Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injection Therapy - A trigger point is a place where the muscle is so tight it clamps down upon the nerve, prohibiting the nerve's proper functioning. Most people think of these as 'knots' in their muscles, often when pressed, these will produce pain in other parts of the body. For instance a trigger point in a shoulder muscle can 'radiate' pain into the ear and head. These are addressed by injecting a substance that releases the muscle tension, restoring function to the nerves.

Injection Therapies for Chronic Pain - The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is in charge of maintaining the current function of the body. When pain issues become chronic, a common cause of continued pain is that the ANS becomes confused as to how to correct the issue. By using injection therapies, we can reset the ANS response to restore the correct function, improving or completely alleviating the offensive situation.

These injections have can have several ingredients:

Procaine: This is an anesthetic that is given to promote lymph dilation and healthy nerve conduction to assist in healing and pain reduction

Traumeel or Lymphomyosot: Homeopathic formulas given to promote pain reduction and stimulation of lymph flow to promote healing

Saline: Sodium chloride given to dilute the other substances as well as to promote healthy nerve conduction to reduce pain.

After visit care: There are no specifics on care after a visit. Movement is helpful to promote blood flow and healing of the muscles. Hydrating well can also help your body to promote healing after the injections. If you feel sore an epsom salt bath with minimum 2 cups of epsom salts is recommended.

Providers who offer this service: